Are you pricing like a toothless Meth head?

Every once in a while an interview goes long.  For the sake of you, my loyal reader, I cut excess and trim everything down to only the most relevant content.  Usually, you don’t miss much.  Every once in a while though I have to cut something really good. This was one of those times. Talmar…

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Why Talmar Anderson will make you say “Aha!”

I love Talmar Anderson, owner of Reston, Virginia based Personal Business Administrators. I don’t just love her because she is smart and sassy (and truthfully her personality reminds me a bit of my own.) I love her because she created a really smart program.  So often we think of great ideas for moving our business…

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Should I put my pricing on my website?

There are certain questions I get from clients all the time. One of those questions that recurs often (and has come up twice this week) is whether or not to post prices on a website. Many clients I speak to genuinely fear posting prices. I often hear “what if I scare people away?” “I sell…

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