On Giving Back

I don’t know about you, but I am currently up to my eyeballs in product reviews and price comparisons of gaming systems for my daughter. Heaven knows what will happen if I bring the wrong one home. The mad holiday rush is on! It’s always a good idea, both on a personal and a professional…

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How we are saving the world… one reader at a time

Back in December, I asked for your help to save the world. At that time, I offered you five options on where we could donate the Spring Insight holiday card budget. We explored different options all around the world from fresh water in Africa to schools in South Sudan. You have spoke, you decided that…

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Time to save the world again

Ever heard the term “tikkun olam”?  Tikkun Olam is a concept in Judaism, roughly translated, it means saving the world.  Last year, I decided that instead of sending holiday cards for Spring Insight, I would donate the money I set aside for that task to a charity you helped me choose.  Based on your votes,…

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How did we save the world?

Remember our plan to save the world?  Perhaps that goal was a bit overreaching but I think we certainly helped it out. You told me what you wanted me to support and I listened. With your help, we donated $250 to Rescue.org, sufficent funding to send five girls in Afghanistan to school for a year.…

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Let’s Save the World!

It was purely happenstance that on the same day I was selecting a holiday card to send to you, my to-do list also had me writing a blog post about cause marketing. As I started to search for the perfect card, my own words got under my skin, and I realized that with the money…

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After Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Giving Tuesday

To complete my month of posts on cause marketing (see posts on how to promote a cause marketing campaign on your website and via your social media presence) I had planned to write a post about what other businesses did this year during the big Black Friday and Cyber Monday messaging extravaganza. I am sad to…

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Cause marketing, social media and your small business

I know you are avidly reading these and probably don’t need a reminder, but in case (like me) you are over forty and forgetful, let me remind you that two weeks ago we discussed why Cause Marketing is just a great thing to do for small business, and last week we discussed how you can…

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Promoting cause marketing on your website

  Frequently I find myself in a conversation with a small business person when the topic turns to cause marketing or giving back and he or she will tell me that they have some sort of institutionalized program in their business in which they donate a portion of proceeds to charity. Since I am a…

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November: Cause Marketing and Small Business

The topic for November is Cause Marketing, or associating your product or service with a cause.  From Yoplait donating money to breast cancer research with purchases of yogurt to a local restaurant giving 30% of the proceeds of an evening’s sales to a local school, you likely see examples of cause marketing every day. Discussing…

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Shoes for the cobbler’s kids

Perhaps you have heard the old fable about the cobbler’s children who had no shoes. I have felt that way for a bit about the Spring Insight website.  As Spring Insight has grown and taken shape, there are parts of the website that have not kept up. When I advise clients, I talk about the…

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