Fall means back to work
It is back to school time! How do I know? I went to Staples today to buy some labels and left after seeing a line 15 people deep buying school supplies. Isn’t there something about the start of school that makes you want to learn something? I have been out of school more years then I care to admit.
But there is still something about Fall that makes me want to grow and stretch my mind. Whether it is reading books, watching online trainings, listening to podcasts or reading books, I am really drawn to education around this time of year. Since you are smart enough to seek out information from me, I bet you are the same. So, I have some suggestions.
Read a book – Right now I am reading Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. Interestingly, this book suggestion came not from a business source, but from my daughter’s middle school. It is practically a bible in her school. But I have found the idea that often the limitations one faces are in one’s own mind and attitude, rather than imposed on us by others, to be just as applicable in business as in the classroom.
Watch an online training – We live in amazing times. Not the least of the wonders that we have in 2015 is an endless bounty of free or inexpensive training videos. Whether it is a short YouTube video or something more comprehensive, you can learn just about anything if you are willing to dedicate a few minutes. Want to see a nifty short training about project organization? Check out Kacy Paide’s video about the Post-it Wall. I just started implementing this a few weeks ago and I am loving the progress I am seeing!
Listen to a podcast – It is hard to overstate what a podcast fiend I am. I listen to podcasts incessantly. I love all varieties. For business, I am LOVING the new podcast the Business side of Business by Talmar Anderson. Talmar is smart, funny and very no nonsense. I haven’t listened to an episode yet that hasn’t had at least one thing I could apply to my business right away.
Attend a conference – I have been excitedly looking at all of the conferences being offered in the DC area and I am really excited about the Power Conference agenda this year. Yes, I am on it. But I am just as excited about other speakers (some of whom are speaking at the same time as me. Sigh.) I hope you come out to this great conference! If you need a little more inducement, here’s a coupon code: BeThere15 will get you $20 off the price.
Off to go learn something!