Illustration of a content calendar with a person placing icons for video and music on Monday and Tuesday. Text reads: "Generate Fresh Content Ideas: 3 Strategies that Really Work." A logo is in the top right corner.

Generate Fresh Content Ideas: 3 Strategies that Really Work

If you’ve ever felt the pressure of coming up with fresh, topical, and educational content for your website, blog, or social channels—join the club! Consistent content creation is critical for businesses (yes, that means you), but let’s be honest: sometimes it’s hard to know where to start or how to keep the ideas flowing.

In our latest video and blog, we break down practical ways to create content consistently—without running yourself ragged. Whether you’re a seasoned subject matter expert or just getting your content strategy rolling, we’re sharing proven tips to keep the ideas coming. Check out the video below or keep reading to learn content idea strategies that really work.

1. Look No Further Than Your Clients

Here’s a secret: Your clients are already giving you content ideas every single day. You just need to recognize them as such.

One of the best ways to generate fresh, relevant content is to take questions that your clients or prospects ask and turn those answers into blog posts, videos, or social content. This approach is the foundation of the book They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan, and for good reason—it works.

  • Examples: Did a client ask, “How long does it take to build a new website?” Boom—there’s a blog post right there. Bonus? You didn’t even have to think of it yourself and you know it’s relevant to your ideal clients because it came directly from the source. 
  • Why It Works: If one person is asking, others are probably searching for the same thing. Answering these questions positions you as the go-to expert to the potential clients who are a great fit for the services they can get only from you

Work Smarter Tip: Keep track of FAQs and client discussions in a list or database. Not only will you have content ready to go, but you’ll also look incredibly prepared when you respond to future inquiries with a, “Hey, I’ve got a blog about this exact topic!”

2. Use a Content Grid (Your New Best Friend)

If you’ve never heard of a content grid, get ready—this simple tool will blow your mind. Here’s how it works:

  1. On one axis, list out your key topics or keywords—the subjects that matter most to your business.
  2. On the other axis, jot down common question types: how, what, when, why, where, and so on.

Where the two intersect, you have content ideas. And the beauty of it? Each intersection can generate multiple pieces of content.

For example, if “website redesign” is one of your keywords:

  • When is the right time for a redesign?
  • Why does a website need to be updated every few years?
  • What factors impact the cost of a redesign?

Just like that, you’ve got at least three blog topics—no stress required. Want to learn more about using content grids? Click here to read a blog we wrote a few years ago about content grids that still gets tons of hits consistently. 

3. Organize Your Ideas (Because You Will Forget Them)

Let’s get real: If you don’t write down your content ideas, they’ll disappear faster than a bag of cookies in a team meeting.

The key to consistent content creation is having a reliable system to capture and organize ideas. Whether you prefer a tech-savvy solution like Slack and Airtable (like we do here at Spring Insight) or good old-fashioned pen and paper, the system doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you use it.

  • Got an idea while you’re waiting for your coffee? Write it down.
  • Did a client ask a great question in your last call? Add it to the list.
  • Did you read an article and think, “I could add my perspective to this”? Save it.

Create a process that works for you—one that makes it easy to revisit your ideas when it’s time to sit down and create.

Stop Struggling to Find Content Ideas

Content creation doesn’t have to be a daily battle. By leveraging client questions, using tools like a content grid, and staying organized, you can keep a steady stream of fresh, relevant content flowing. And if you hit a roadblock? Revisit those tools, and let the ideas come to you.

If all this still sounds overwhelming, don’t sweat it—that’s what we’re here for. At Spring Insight, we help subject matter experts create and execute content strategies that work.

Ready to take content off your to-do list? Schedule a complimentary consultation and let’s talk about how we can make your content strategy easier, smarter, and way less stressful.