Let’s Save the World!
It was purely happenstance that on the same day I was selecting a holiday card to send to you, my to-do list also had me writing a blog post about cause marketing. As I started to search for the perfect card, my own words got under my skin, and I realized that with the money I had set aside for cards, we could make the world a better place. So, as thanks to all of you for your support of Spring Insight, I am going to fund at least one of the projects described below. Which one should we support? Or should we support more than one? (Read to the end to find out how you can make that happen.)
Our options:
- Plant 500 trees. The trees we plant will not only produce life sustaining crops like avocados and bananas, but they will prevent erosion and provide shade for other crops.
- Send five girls from Afghanistan to school for a year. Our contribution will supply tuition, books and other materials needed to send each girl to school and ultimately to put her on a path to a better life.
- Provide a start up loan for two women entrepreneurs in an impoverished country. Our loan will give two women the ability to start a business that will provide income to help feed, clothe and educate their children. As the loan is repaid that money will be used to provide new loans to other women.
- Buy a printer for a high poverty school in Baltimore. This project (so close to Spring Insight Worldwide HQ) will give these middle school students without access to a printer the ability to review their work… a practice most of us take for granted.
- Provide clean water to two families in Africa. In the US when we turn on our faucets clean water flows out. For 800 million people (wow,that is a shockingly horrible number), however, that is not the case. They have no access to clean, safe water. The dirty water they do have makes them sick. Our contribution will go toward building a well in Africa.
What you need to do… Click here to vote on which project to support with my holiday card budget (This survey is closed).
Next, for extra credit, click here to “like” the Spring Insight Facebook page. No matter what, I am going to fund the project with the most votes.
If I get 500 likes to my Facebook page by January 1, 2013, I will fund the top two.
If I get 1,000 likes to my Facebook page by January 1, 2013, I will fund the top three
If I get 5,000 likes to my Facebook page by January 1, 2013, I will fund all five.
Please spread this offer (and my survey) far and wide, and let’s see if we can make a big difference!