SpringInsight August Challenge… Just Write
It has been a while since the last Spring Insight blog update, either on this blog or on my other blog at ecommerceerika.com. I can list my excuses if you like… we were on vacation, we had lots of summer type stuff, I was preparing for the arrival of our new pair, yadda, yadda, yadda. So bottom line, I got out of the habit of writing posts. Yesterday, I read two things that made me take myself to task on this. I will get to those two things in a second, but before I do I would like to state for the record that I think the success of Spring Insight will rely on blogging and social media. So, not having blog posts and not being out there is bad. If you are a small business client reading this… that should sound familiar.
Ok, so the two things I read yesterday that I hope… cut that, not hope, the two things I read yesterday that kicked my butt and will change all that are:
- This post by Jim Connolly. The bottom line of the post is that the less you write, the harder writing gets to be. Conversely, the more you write, the easier it is to write. The difficulty of writing is a vicious circle and the only way to get out of it is to just start.
- This post by Chris Brogan, “Another 8,000 words written today…” Holy crimony! 8,000 words! Ok, I can’t promise 8,000 words a day. But I am left inspired and I know that I need to up my game… a lot.
And so bottom line for me and for you dear reader, if you want to write, write. If you want to reach success for your small business through writing, the only way to do so is to actually write… not just write a little…. not just write every so often… write every single day.
Now the challenge. Chris Brogan wrote 8,000 words yesterday. I don’t think 8,000 words is realistic for me on a daily basis but you have to start somewhere. My somewhere is 1,000 words a day. For rest of the workdays of August (I have a couple of days I am taking off in August so I will need to work around those) I am challenging myself to write at least a thousand words a day. To keep myself honest, I am keeping a public record of my August daily word count. Check throughout the month to see how I am doing and I will update the blog with results of the challenge. Want to join me on the challenge? Let me know in comments and I will be in touch and ad you as an editor to the page so you can update your word totals.
Erika (Yay, I get a word toward my count just for signing my name.)