Objections: Too Many Options in Web Development

Objections: Too Many Options in Web Development


This might surprise you. Not every prospective client we talk to immediately purchases a service. Shocking right? For that reason, we decided to dedicate a portion of our website to discuss some of the most common objections we hear and address them.

Building a new website can feel like making a million little decisions. That is probably because it is. Let’s discuss an objection we hear often when it comes to web development:

Too many options in web development!

Researching and investing into marketing services can be overwhelming. For every reason you think you may not need it, we may have an answer for you. Whether you think these services are too expensive or too confusing, let us share some insight on to help make sense of the process.

Is WordPress the right platform for my business?

Since Spring Insight builds in WordPress, it is our job to say “yes” to this question. But, before flipping to the next question, let’s discuss why. 

First, the really important thing here is that WordPress is open source. We believe that businesses should build websites on an open source platform. Why? Well, it is simple. Building a website on proprietary software (Wix, SquareSpace, etc.) is like building a house on someone else’s land. You are most likely going to be just fine, but there are risks. You don’t have control over the land. That business could raise prices, they could go bankrupt, they could make business decisions that negatively affect your website (or your desire to support them). You are not able to just “move” your house. With an open source software, that is simply not the case. No one (and everyone) owns the land where you are building your site.

Now that we have decided on open source, why WordPress? For us, the reason is scale. As of this writing in 2023, over 43% of all websites on the internet are WordPress websites (source). That is as close to an industry standard as you can get. That matters. It matters most to web development professionals because we are almost always able to find plugins for specialized functionality. It also matters because you are never “trapped” with one web team. In other words, once we build your website, we hope to be your partner for life for routine maintenance with our web development team, but if we aren’t, you will have a lot of other options.

What about page builders?

Once you make the decision to build in WordPress, you start hearing about all sorts of page builder options. Divi, Elementor, Oxygen… which is better?

This might be heresy to say, but we tend to think it doesn’t really matter. As long as you are able to do the updates you need (and really, most page builders are pretty intuitive after training), the differences are so minute that they don’t matter. As of this writing, the Spring Insight uses the Beaver Builder page builder. But, again, this is really not really something you want to base a decision upon.

How do I decide on colors, fonts, pictures, etc.?

Different clients have different opinions and needs when it comes to the actual process of designing their website. For some, this is the fun part. They love digging into color theory, discussing the merits of sans serif fonts, and searching image repositories for the perfect stock photos. Others want to close their eyes and open them when the website is finished. Most are somewhere in between those two extremes. 

We are here for you wherever you are on this spectrum. We have created a process that gives our clients the ability to be as hands on, or hands off as they wish. We start the process by presenting you with three fully articulated designs based on your brand identity, business goals, and industry standards. That is just the start. From there, our web development team works with you to get the design just right and build it out over the entire website.

Is Spring Insight the right team to build my website?

Yes. You don’t need more of an answer than that, right? 

Look, here is the honest answer. For the right client, we are the perfect team. If you are an organization with subject matter experts and you value well thought out web design, clear and concise language, strategic (but not pushy) sales messaging, and a process that you enjoy, we are the right team.

Are you ready to narrow down your options with our web development team? Let’s discuss!