Objections: Web Designers Are Too Confusing

Objections: Web Designers Are Too Confusing


This might surprise you. Not every prospective client we talk to immediately purchases a service. Shocking right? For that reason, we decided to dedicate a portion of our website to discuss some of the most common objections we hear and address them. 

The organization’s we work with do an amazing job of providing the people that depend on them fantastic service. But, that doesn’t mean they know a lot about creating websites. So, we are often told that building a website is just too overwhelming and confusing for them. We’ve got you.

Web Designers are Too Confusing!

For all the reason you may have to not invest into marketing service, we may have an answer for you. Whether it be that services may be too expensive, or that you don’t think you need it, let us help share some insight with you!

I don’t understand the web design jargon.

From favicons to footers, webs design has a language that is all their own. That can create confusion, and often frustration for organization’s creating a new web presence. This is where we shine. Our team is filled with professionals who not only understand the jargon, we understand how not to use it (or when we use it, to explain what it means in the same sentence). Our belief is that building a website should be fun. You should feel empowered through the process, not confused. We are here to make sure that is the case.

There is so much information out there.

Is there another industry that has a larger volume of information swirling around than digital marketing and website creation? Maybe daytrading… but trust me, it is close. That information can be so overwhelming that the only sane response seems like standing still. But, here is the good thing, most of the information is simply irrelevant to you. The key is figuring out what you need to know that is particular to your industry and specific goals. If only there was a good web designer firm to sift through all that information to find the pieces that are most relevant to you and make sure you are aware of them and implement accordingly. Oh right, there is!  

Is now the right time? Won’t technology change?

Building a website can feel a bit like trying to decide when to jump off of a speeding train. How do you know when to jump? Is there a better clearing with taller grass and perhaps even a mattress just around the next corner? The way we like to think about it is that there is never a wrong time. That is because building a website is always just a start. When you work with a good web designer, one who stays up to date and uses open source technology, you don’t need to worry that you are ever stuck with any technology. There isn’t much that can’t be updated.

What if I get this wrong?

We won’t let you get it wrong. We promise.

Are you still confused and overwhelmed at the idea of starting a website? Let’s talk.  Did we convince you that not only will this process not be overwhelming, it will be… gasp… fun? Then we definitely want to talk.