February word of the month: Love

LoveSince the word of the month for January was goals, I decided it would be best and continue my trip down cliche lane and make the word for February… Love. This isn’t love of your husband, wife, kids or mistress though. Instead this month we will delve into love of what you do and the passion you bring to everything you do.

The stereotype of the working professional is not one of love, it is one of drudgery. Think about all of the cultural references of office work… The Office, TGIF, 9 to 5, Office Space.  Work is a paycheck and the sooner we can get out to do what you really want to do, the better. Do you feel that way?  I bet you don’t.  I bet most of your business owner friends don’t either.

I am not going to be so simplistic as to say that being an entrepreneur is “living the dream”.  But if you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, you most likely choose to do what you do.  You probably did that because of your love of that work.  How lucky are you? Read any text book about sales and you will be told that if you want to sell effectively you need to be passionate about what you are selling.  You are one step ahead because you choose to do what you are doing. Now you just need to communicate that love…

All this month, blog posts about communicating that love through your online presence.  Stay tuned!
