Different platforms, different updates

I get that social media is time consuming.  It can feel like an endless cycle of churning out fun, funny and interesting content. It is tempting to try and figure out shortcuts. One shortcut I see from some businesses is creating content and then posting it, unchanged, on multiple channels. In particular I see this…

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Optimizing to incompetence

The legend of the frog in the hot water is one that I certainly understand.  You know the story… if I frog jumps into hot water he will immediately jump out but if a frog is in cool water and you slowly turn the heat up he will stay until he is quite literally cooked.…

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In defense of slowing down for summer

In popular culture the notion of the harried entrepreneur is a popular one.  The notion of working weekends and never vacationing is a firmly entrenched one. I think this is unpopular to admit, but I need my vacation time. I need to slow down and take in the world around me. At the time of…

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