The Small Business Blog… What should it be?
I love blogging and trying to sound knowledgeable about things I am still trying to figure out. It is the ultimate example of “fake it until you make it.” This is one where I will be right out there with the fact that I am still figuring this topic out. But I do have some ideas…
So this topic came to my mind as I discussed with a new client whether she was going to have a blog on her new website. She had the same response I hear from many clients and friends say when I mention the possibility of blogging… “what would I say?” Ah, the classic blogger question, what to write when you are continually on the hook for new ideas. I have answered this question so many times to so many individuals that I wanted to commit the answer to writing. Though as I said above, I still feel like I am still figuring out the answers myself. Believe me, there is rarely a Tuesday or Thursday (my blogging days) that go by where I don’t ask myself the very same question when I sit down to write. Nonetheless, here is a list of the kinds of things I write about…
1. Show what you know.
I like to think of a small business blog as a bit like a free sample at the grocery store. You are giving lots of people a sample of your work, your knowledge, and your experience for free. Most won’t buy but some will and that makes it all worthwhile.
For my blog, examples of this would be anything from my back to basics series.
2. Discuss what you think.
News happens, your industry changes, seasons change frequently you have thoughts about how this relates to what you do. Your blog is a chance to give your thoughts on what is happening. With your blog you are not only keeping your customer base informed, you are making sure they understand these goings on with your spin.
For my blog an example of this would be my blog post on Steve Jobs’ passing or Yom Kippur.
3. What it is like to work with you.
I am a quirky person. I tend to be funny and sarcastic and I have can have a bit of an edge. I think I am good at what I do (thankfully others do as well) but I have a big personality and not everyone loves working with me. I try and write like I am. If you don’t like my personality on my blog, you likely won’t like my personality when we go out for a sushi lunch (yes, it will usually be sushi).
For my blog an example would be the Just fix it post.
4. Discuss what you are working on.
Got new inventory? Learned a new process that you are integrating? Did you make a change in your process? The blog is a great place to publicize that.
For my blog I don’t have a great example this week but check back next week and I promise I will. (Wink)
I will end by saying that in some ways it doesn’t matter much what you say. Just get out there, be a voice, provide your readers and the search engines with fresh content about what you are doing. Be interesting. C’mon, you do that all the time right?